Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Selak Clan goes futsal!

You want to see the Selak Clan goes maniac in a haunted house; you've got it.
You want to see the Selak Clan walking across the TC1 to TC2 bridge in the middle of the night; you've got it.
You want to see the Selak Clan running on a escalator that's going on the opposite direction; you've got it.
You want to see the Selak Clan playing futsal; YOU'VE GOT IT!

So its every Selak Clan member against another team (without Jay Wen & Nazim). I shattered their defenses and claimed the FIRST BLOOD title with a close range volley from Quek's corner cross. Then, with Quek and Danesh playing upfront, goal scoring is unevitable. I think it was 6-2 when I stopped counting, and then 9-4 later in the game.

It was a fun, arduous game though I witnessed some lethal illegal sliding tackles flying here and there, then a guy stomped stepped on my foot. He's nearly twice my weight and had football boots, ouch.

There are times when I had the ball and no one's in my way, I wanted to rocket the ball into the back of the net but my mercy is limiting my prowess. Rule number one: There's no need to smash the ball in with all your manly might when you're playing with someone who doesn't do the same.


A funny picture. Wong in shock, Danesh waiting for a low cross, Jerome making his presence felt and Jordan kicking an invisible ball.(?)


Jerome played pretty good actually, with some crucial runs at the sidelines nearly provided himself with a goal.

Nearing the end of the game, there's something happened. Something extraordinaire but nevertheless, I am not granted the proper obligations to write about it haha.

The Selak Clan, now reigns over futsal too.

Lee! Don't worry, even if I have reached BEYOND GODLIKE, I'll still lure some heroes goals for you. keke.

-- Selak Philosopher @ JT.

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